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Our Story

Every company is faced with the challenge of how to securely save, manage, and share digital data. DRACOON, the Regensburg-based market leader in the field of enterprise file services in the German-speaking region, has made it its mission to give the world back control of its data with the help of its platform.

Company Name



2008 (formerly SSP Europe GmbH)



Managing Directors

Dr Björn Momsen, Marc Schieder


> 100


DRACOON is certified according to BSI-C5 Type 2 and ISO 27001.

The DRACOON platform has been named a leader by top independent analysts like ISG, and various certifications, seals, and assessments such as BSI C5, ISO 27001, and IDW PS 951 confirm that DRACOON meets the highest standards of security.

In line with the principle of privacy by design, DRACOON features built-in client-side encryption. DRACOON offers maximum protection of both sent and saved files, because the owner is the only person who has the decryption key. Not even the administrator or DRACOON as the service provider has access. The highly granular user and rights management system makes it possible to define individual permissions for all of the files saved to the platform. This allows authorized users to maintain full control.

The universal API makes it possible to integrate external services and applications – from secure e-mail communication to the complete modernization of the company’s file services.

These companies trust their data to DRACOON:
DATEV, Rossmann, Helios Hospitals, Rödl & Partner, ElringKlinger, EbnerStolz, Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken, Nürnberger Versicherung, Thyssen Steel, Deutsche Telekom, Hutchison, Bechtle, and many more.


Every Groundbreaking Innovation Begins with Fierce Determination

The idea for DRACOON resulted from the unbending will of a small group of IT developers with a big idea – to give the world back control of its data. As encryption experts at SSP Europe GmbH, they implemented an uncompromisingly secure solution that was extremely user friendly – the “Secure Data Space.”

The battle cry “zero tolerance for security risks – authorized users retain total control of their data!” positioned SSP Europe sharply against the market-dominating American competition. Well-known companies in the German-speaking region were on board right from the start. Within two years, they transformed “Secure Date Space” into the market-leading product for business-oriented file services.

After focusing SSP Europe on a highly relevant core topic – the implementation of a user-friendly data room with world-class security standards – the company subsequently positioned itself as the “protector of digital freedom.” Accelerated data growth, digitization pressure, collaboration across corporate boundaries, the cloud, apps, and professionalized data theft lent the evolution of the Secure Date Space new momentum. Soon the old company’s structure became too limiting. The company’s new, global self-image and its passionate aspiration to do the right thing and be one of the “good guys” – no ifs, ands, or buts – called for a new brand and appearance.


DRACOON - The Name Says It All

What then followed was only logical. A new spirit and a new name – for the company and the product. A name that makes a big promise. Unique, unmistakable. A name that exudes a sense of optimism and leadership.

SSP Europe and Secure Data Space were renamed DRACOON – breathing life and strength into the company’s positioning as the “protector of digital freedom.” The new name is derived from the words DRAGON and COCOON. Supported by the enthusiasm of the company’s employees, inspired by the benefits for the user. Protector of good, adversary of evil.

DRACOON has made it its mission to give the world back control of its data. That’s why the software features built-in client-side encryption in line with the principle of privacy by design – providing maximum protection for both sent and saved files, because the owner is the only person who has the decryption key. Which makes DRACOON your key to digital freedom.